Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

(Article from LivingBetter)
Aquaculture now provides about half of the production of fish and aquatic invertebrates. On the one hand, the more grown fish, the less the need for fishing. But on the other hand, aquaculture has a number of significant negative effects. Behind the beautiful word aquaculture lies the artificial cultivation of fish in cages. Poultry farm for fish. But as there is a difference in taste between the village chicken and the poultry factory, the taste and usefulness of wild fish and bred in captivity also vary.

Modern society sets new standards for the consumption of food, and producers have to reckon with them. In this connection, there was a need for artificial fish farming.

Aquaculture now provides about half of the production of fish and aquatic invertebrates. On the one hand, the more grown fish, the less the need for fishing ... But on the other hand, aquaculture has a number of significant negative effects, according to a recently published World Wildlife Fund (WWF) environmental guide for buyers and sellers of fish products.

What kinds of fish are most often grown artificially?
Carp (domesticated carp)
Sturgeon fish (Siberian sturgeon, sterlet, Russian sturgeon, sturgeon hybrids)
Some species of salmon, for example, trout
Atlantic salmon (salmon)
Sigovye species of fish - peled, whitefish, nelma
Vegetable fishes (cupids and carnivores).

Also, aquaculture objects are bivalves (mussels, oysters, scallops), crustaceans (shrimps, crayfish), echinoderms (trepangs, sea urchins), aquatic plants.

And also salmon, rainbow trout, sea bass, bream, pangasius (often called bass or river catfish), shrimp are the most common types of artificially grown fish and seafood. It is believed that to date in developed countries, about half of all fish and seafood consumed are grown in fish farms. In supermarkets and restaurants in Europe, most likely, you buy or you will be offered artificially grown salmon. Commercial salmon on sale is much less common, and it will cost much more.

What is artificial fish breeding?

As a rule, the artificial breeding process is as follows:
With the help of breeding, select the parent that is most suitable for artificial breeding.
Fish eggs are placed in small reservoirs. The grown fry is then transferred to larger tanks. There is a feeding of fry, which is under constant supervision.
When the fry reaches a weight of about 150 g, they are moved to large ponds or enclosed areas in the sea (such as shown in the figure above).
Next, the fish receives concentrated food until it reaches the desired weight. During the whole time, the state of the fish is constantly monitored, often using underwater cameras.
After reaching the desired weight, the fish is sent to the processing plants for subsequent evisceration and packaging.

Do all types of artificial fish have similar consumer properties?
It is difficult to find two absolutely identical livestock farms. The same can be said about fish farms. Each manufacturer has its own standards, which make it possible to provide favorable conditions for keeping fish. Each farm uses its methods to reduce the harmful impact on the environment. However, the lack of uniform standards significantly complicates the lives of customers.

Eggs, chicken meat, and pork produced with environmental care have long ceased to be a rarity on store shelves. Products with labels "Red Tractor", "Approved by RSPCA" (RSPCA Approved), "free-range animal meat" and "organic products" are widely represented. And we do not have much choice with regard to artificially grown fish and seafood.

Similarly to the way in Europe before, cattle were grown with the use of large doses of antibiotics, now they are growing fish. Not only antibiotics are used, but also pesticides, which are designed to clean excessively polluted water bodies. Dietitians urge whenever possible to buy "wild" fish if there is full confidence in the supplier of aquaculture fish.

The use of feed additives and veterinary drugs in aquaculture is less common than in livestock or poultry. But, of course, veterinary drugs in aquaculture are also used. Today, more attention is paid to prophylactic drugs (probiotics). When bacterial diseases occur, veterinarians use antibiotics. The use of antibacterial drugs is limited to 30 days before the sale of such fish.

For human health, fish and seafood, artificially grown in cages, especially in the Mekong Delta, can be dangerous, biologists warn. When fish have grown artificially, fodders are used, in which fish growth accelerators, medicines, including antibiotics, and also dyes, which make such a fish appetizing, are often added. All this makes risky the use of such fish, especially if it occurs regularly.

Harmful substances have the property of accumulating, and the frequent use of this fish for food can even lead to different illnesses, in particular, to impaired vision.

But, even "wild" fish can cause harm to health. Recent research shows that even commercial fish meat is often contaminated with chemical toxic substances: industrial enterprises are actively emitting mercury into the environment, polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxin and other contaminants that enter the water, and then through the food chain into the fish.

Polychlorinated biphenyls belong to the group of persistent organic pollutants, monitoring of which in air, water and soil is mandatory in developed industrial countries due to their high danger to the environment and public health.
For the first time, polychlorinated biphenyls were produced in the United States by Monsanto in 1929. These are oily liquids that are not flammable and do not conduct electricity but conduct heat well. Polychlorinated biphenyls are resistant to acids and alkalis.

However, aquaculture technologies have great potential for improvement, including from the viewpoint of reducing its impact on the environment. In some cases, aquaculture can reduce the poaching press on wild populations, develop sports fishing. In addition, black caviar and raised sturgeon produced in fisheries are the only legitimate alternative to caviar and fish caught by poachers.

But on the counter, wild, legally caught fish should take a more privileged position than cage fish.

In America and Western Europe, wild salmon costs much more than cultivated about the same quality. And it's not just about taste differences, but about the fact that people need to come into contact with wildlife, feel part of it, including through food.

 Asthma happens to be one of the most serious ailments that can greatly affect the quality of anyone’s life. The major symptoms of asthma are difficulty in breathing, shortness of breathing and wheezing, Stress is one of the major triggers of asthma.               
Being in nerve-racking situations and being overly stressed are capable of causing chest pain, anxiety and irritability. These can actually make you feel short of breath leading to a full-blown attack of asthma. Hence managing stress and reducing it to a certain extent can help you're to control your level of stress. 
Apart from thorough check-up and following your medication religiously you also need some lifestyle changes to keep this condition under control. So here are a few tips to help you to manage stress that is one of the major triggers of asthma.
·         Go for Muscle Relaxation Exercise – One great way to reduce stress happens to be the relaxation exercises. An asthma attack can also be decreased as a result of that. One such workout is to release the tension of muscles throughout your body. The following type of muscle tension exercises can be performed any time that you feel stressed.

ü  For five seconds you should tighten and contract all the muscles of your body. Then allow the group to slowly ease in relaxation. Working up towards your head, you should then go for the next group of muscles.
ü  Repeat this progression till you finish with your neck and head muscles.

·         Avoid Exposure to Excessive Stress – On the basis of how much stress is there in your life can limit the symptoms and prevent attacks of your stress.
That is why you should avoid any stressful situation as much as possible. If you are unable to handle the situation, make an excuse and leave the room. Use the situation to get rid of any early signs of attack and get a grasp on the situation and reduce the signs of the attack.

·         Repeat Stress-free Mantras – One powerful way to relax is to repeat that the stress-relief mantras. It offers a form of meditation that can help you to focus all your attention away from any kind of stress.  That is why if you are feeling stressed then you should choose a positive line or mantra and keep repeating it to yourself time and again.  This works well and it can really help you to avoid a stress-related asthma attack.

ü  You should realize that if you follow a particular mantra for even five to ten minutes then also it can reduce your asthma attack to a great extent.
ü  Sit upright with your eyes closed. Inhale and exhale easily without controlling your breath. Then try repeating the mantra. For example, mantras like “Live and Let Live.”, “Let Go” really help you to distress. Practice these in a calm environ.
The above are some of the distressing techniques to avoid and control your asthma attack. Apart from purchasing authentic respiratory devices or medical instruments online as prescribed by your doctor, these steps will also help you to reduce your asthma attacks and help you to lead a healthy and stress-free life.

Whooping cough which is called pertussis, is a greatly endemic bacterial infection. Its culprit is the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. This bacteria can penetrate into the body by invading the line or the airways like the trachea and bronchi. Since this epidemic is contagious, it can spread promptly via the sneezes and coughs of an infected victim. It mostly occurs small infants however, a healthy adult can be infected as well.
Once a person gets infected by the bacteria, it may take up to 10 days for the first symptoms to appear. During the first stage, many people may mistake it with common cold since its symptoms at that point of time are sneezing, mild coughing, a low fever as well as a runny nose. If the infection is left untreated or treated untimely, the cough might become more serious with “coughing spells”, which ends with a high – pitched “whoop” sound. In some severe cases, you might suffer from vomiting as well.   
Infants who are younger than 6 months old and those with weak immune system might be at higher risk when they catch this type of infection. The best method to prevent whoop cough is to execute pertussis vaccine. The vaccination should be started during infancy however, adult still can choose it.

You may adopt some home remedies to treat this whooping cough, ease the symptoms as well as shorten the period of the infection.

1.     LEMON
The citric acid found in lemon can effectively and easily decrease the mucus’s thickness. Plus, its powerful antiviral and antibacterial compounds can ward off the infection while the vitamin C source in lemon can promote the immune system.
·        Drink lemon juice with honey added in several times a day to reduce the symptoms of whooping cough.
There are antibacterial and antiviral compounds galore in turmeric powder that can be used effectively to treat whooping cough. Since it obtains a therapeutic effect on coughs especially dry coughs, it can ward off the whooping cough. Moreover, its incredible immune – supporting compounds also aid your body in fighting infections.
·        Mix some raw honey to some turmeric powder to consume twice on a daily basis until you notice the improvement.
·        Instead, you can drink milk that has been mixed with turmeric powder
·        Alternatively, taking some turmeric supplements is also sufficient however do consult doctor before consuming any capsule.
3.     GINGER
Ginger plays an important part when it comes to treat whooping cough. The antibacterial properties in ginger can be used effectively to destroy the bacteria causing this conditions. In addition, its incredible immune – boosting compounds found in ginger can ward off the infection effectively and support the healing process.
·        Mix some extracted ginger juice with raw honey and consume it twice on a daily basis to get rid of whooping cough
·        Instead you can mix ginger juice, onion juice and lemon juice together and consume 1 tablespoon of this mixture 2 – 3 times daily
·        Alternatively, boil some fenugreek seeds in water till the amount of water remains half. And add some extracted ginger juice and some honey and consume it directly once on a daily basis for several days to get the best results.

4.     HONEY

Honey can be effective when it comes to treat whooping cough as well. Thanks to the appearance of the antiseptic properties, antibacterial compounds as well as healing properties, honey can exterminate the bacteria that is responsible for this infection.
·        Consume a glass of warm water mixed with raw honey for several times a day to sooth the pain in the throat.
·        Consume a spoon of raw honey mixed with cinnamon powder before going to sleep to have a better sleep.
5.     GARLIC
Working perfectly as an antibiotic to ward off whooping cough, garlic can effective treat the symptoms of this contagious bacterial infections as well as clear the pertussis infection.
·        Consume some extracted garlic juice several times a day for several days
·        At the same time, you can put some grated garlic cloves into a pot of water and boil them. Inhale the steam from the solution so that the whooping cough will fade away.
·        Grind some garlic cloves, add distilled water and apple cider vinegar to create a solution. Let the mixture sit for at least 4 hours and then strain it using a cheesecloth. Add some honey to the mixture and consume the syrup
6.     OREGANO
This herb can cure respiratory infections especially whooping cough. They have found antispasmodic, expectorant and antibacterial properties in oregano which can effectively help to ease the mucus in the lungs and sooth the dry coughing as well.
·        Boil some water and add several drops of oregano oil into it. Cover your head and inhale the vapor. Repeat the process for several times a day to sooth the coughing.
·        Mix oregano with some carrier oil like coconut oil, olive oil or jojoba oil to create a mixture. Use this mixture to rub on your chest before going to sleep.
In conclusion, since this is a contagious bacterial infection, you should consult your doctor in order to acquire proper treatment.

Our facial skin is likely to grow damage and infections due to the constant exposure to pollution, sun rays and other kinds of climatic conditions. Even some of the cosmetic products that we use can cause many side effects. Dermatologists and Skin experts recommend various types of methods, according to your skin conditions and rigorousness of damage. Chemical Peel is one of the most useful procedure for skin damage.

 Chemical peel treatment is such a procedure where skin’s external layer is exfoliated with a specific chemical solution that has AHA - alpha hydroxyl acids or phenols and TCA - trichloroacetic acid. When the damaged skin is eradicated utterly, the healthy and radiant layers will get uncovered. The new skin layers boost the glow of your exterior epidermal layers. In many cases, this procedure is carried out jointly with other methods like dermal fillers, botulinum rejuvenation and laser peeling. Before going through the process, your dermatologist will test whether it suits your skin type or not.


·         The chemical peel procedure helps to remove aging signs like fine lines and wrinkles.
·         It boosts the color, glow and cell texture.
·         This procedure also heals different types of scars and acne on your face.
·         It can also reduce several skin issues such as age spots, freckles and blotchiness that can cause skin disfiguration.

Chemical peel – The process

People who require a special concern are generally prescribed for a Pre-peel session. Usually, individuals who have extremely sensitive skin prone to the side effects undergo pre-peel therapy.
·         The process is then started with a comprehensive distillation of the outer layer of your skin. Later, it is followed along with some minimal surgical steps. In this process, the dermatologist uses anesthesia.
·         Later, the skin doctor applies a solution consistently on your skin, and let it sit for a few minutes.
·         Additional care is taken while peeling it off.
·         The after-treatment contains applying a lotion to calm the skin. If someone has gone through a deep peel treatment, essential after-care is given to the surgical area including dressing on the wounds.
If you are looking for Facial treatment and cosmetic surgery such as breast reduction, breast augmentation, laser therapy in Los Angeles, LAMC is an excellent resource. Relax and rid yourself of the elements when you come in for your facial each month. You’ll see tight, tired skin turn soft and youthful again. LAMC’s expert team provides facial therapy along with other anti-aging treatments. Consider scheduling your free consultation with LAMC today by calling (213) 353-1552.

Do you have a sweet tooth? Are you a late night movie buff? Do you spend most of the time sitting on your chair, while at work? Do you often crave for a sound good night’s sleep? If so, you must get your blood pressure checked for good? These days, the measurement of blood pressure has become commonplace, and many see it as a hot health topic. In order to averse the risks caused by the ill effects of prolonged sedentary lifestyle, one must learn to stand up for his or her health, before it can literally kill you. Spending hours on a chair isn’t just going to murder your back, rather it will damage your mind, sleep cycle, and your organs. High or low, extreme blood pressure numbers are no good for you. Even if you regularly monitor your blood pressure numbers, yet there are several myths and misconceptions which hinder your blood pressure management leading to irreversible effects. Let us set straight some of these myths and uncover the truth underneath.

Myth No. 1.

Low blood pressure numbers increase your risk of a stroke

Contrary to the statement, low blood pressure means that you are less likely to suffer a stroke or a heart attack than someone jostling with high blood pressure. In fact, low blood pressure does not lead to a stroke at all. An individual with low BP may encounter blurry vision, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, etc. One must start with a diet rich in salt to minimize the effects of low blood pressure.

Myth No. 2.

You can discontinue the medication for high blood pressure once it is stabilized

High blood pressure is a lifetime complaint. If you have had an onset of high blood pressure, the only respite is timely medication. You must not stop your medication, even if your blood pressure levels have subsided and point towards a healthy angle. Your medicines will help you lower your high BP, but their discontinuation will surely kick-start the deteriorating health and trigger the related symptoms.

Myth No. 3.

Raised cholesterol levels increase the risk of developing high blood pressure

Not necessarily! High cholesterol levels do not always cause high blood pressure but trigger the risk for other conditions such as heart disease. For elevated cholesterol levels, one must stop binging on a diet rich in saturated fats and also limit the salt intake. These are lifestyle risk factors, which determine the risk of developing high blood pressure.

Myth No. 4.

You cannot prevent high blood pressure if you have a family history of this condition

Nowadays, the condition of high blood pressure runs in several families. However, a family lineage of erratic blood pressures does not mean that the upcoming generations will automatically develop the risk of high or low blood pressure. To limit the onset of developing a blood pressure related condition, one must watch for risk factors such as smoking, drinking, excess salt intake, a diet rich in saturated fats, etc. Also, individuals who do regular exercises have a healthy heart and stabilized blood pressure levels.

Myth No. 5.

High blood pressure is not a sedentary life condition

Contrary to this statement, high blood pressure is a common modern-day medical condition and by no means it is inevitable. Risk factors like age, gender and even family history determine the likeliness of developing high blood pressure, but it is your lifestyle which plays a major part. Along with obesity and heart diseases, high blood pressure or hypertension is a major health concern.

Myth No. 6.

High blood pressure causes symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, nervousness

Contradictory to the above statement, high blood pressure is often recalled as the ‘silent killer’. In most of the cases, people are unaware that they have high blood pressure as it is mainly asymptomatic. Regular checkups may yield information on such medical condition scenarios. If you are 40 years and above, it is advisable to get your blood pressure monitored on a regular basis. Also, if you have diabetes, obesity, or any heart condition, then you must keep a tab on your BP numbers.

Myth No. 7.

Only men suffer from high blood pressure

Not at all! Both genders can develop high blood pressure. However, men are more likely to develop high blood pressure after 40 years of age, but the numbers almost even out over time. As stated by many medical practitioners, women are at less risk of high blood pressure due to the protective effects of estrogen, but with the passage of time, i.e. post menopause, the risk doubles.


Myth No. 8.

Do not check your blood pressure until 40 years of age

There is no denying the fact that there is an increased risk of developing high blood pressure once you reach your middle age. But, people in their 20’s and 30’s can also succumb to the ill effects of blood pressure related disorders. In fact, children, living with obesity are prone to develop high blood pressure from a tender age. High blood pressure can affect at any age, so do not wait until you turn 40. Keep monitoring your blood pressure levels at regular intervals.