Asthma happens to be one of the most serious ailments that can greatly affect the quality of anyone’s life. The major symptoms of asthma are difficulty in breathing, shortness of breathing and wheezing, Stress is one of the major triggers of asthma.
Being in nerve-racking situations and being overly stressed are capable of causing chest pain, anxiety and irritability. These can actually make you feel short of breath leading to a full-blown attack of asthma. Hence managing stress and reducing it to a certain extent can help you're to control your level of stress.
Apart from thorough check-up and following your medication religiously you also need some lifestyle changes to keep this condition under control. So here are a few tips to help you to manage stress that is one of the major triggers of asthma.
· Go for Muscle Relaxation Exercise – One great way to reduce stress happens to be the relaxation exercises. An asthma attack can also be decreased as a result of that. One such workout is to release the tension of muscles throughout your body. The following type of muscle tension exercises can be performed any time that you feel stressed.
ü For five seconds you should tighten and contract all the muscles of your body. Then allow the group to slowly ease in relaxation. Working up towards your head, you should then go for the next group of muscles.
ü Repeat this progression till you finish with your neck and head muscles.
· Avoid Exposure to Excessive Stress – On the basis of how much stress is there in your life can limit the symptoms and prevent attacks of your stress.
That is why you should avoid any stressful situation as much as possible. If you are unable to handle the situation, make an excuse and leave the room. Use the situation to get rid of any early signs of attack and get a grasp on the situation and reduce the signs of the attack.
· Repeat Stress-free Mantras – One powerful way to relax is to repeat that the stress-relief mantras. It offers a form of meditation that can help you to focus all your attention away from any kind of stress. That is why if you are feeling stressed then you should choose a positive line or mantra and keep repeating it to yourself time and again. This works well and it can really help you to avoid a stress-related asthma attack.
ü You should realize that if you follow a particular mantra for even five to ten minutes then also it can reduce your asthma attack to a great extent.
ü Sit upright with your eyes closed. Inhale and exhale easily without controlling your breath. Then try repeating the mantra. For example, mantras like “Live and Let Live.”, “Let Go” really help you to distress. Practice these in a calm environ.
The above are some of the distressing techniques to avoid and control your asthma attack. Apart from purchasing authentic respiratory devices or medical instruments online as prescribed by your doctor, these steps will also help you to reduce your asthma attacks and help you to lead a healthy and stress-free life.
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