6 ways to improve the development timelines for your mobile app

The mobile app development can take boringly long but certain ways can help developers speed the process.
CEOs of startups and mobile app developers working for them know how difficult it is to execute a mobile app development with high speed and the best quality. The infamous longer development lifecycles, as compared to traditional web apps, have already been problematic for both businesses CEO’s and the mobile app developers. Businesses keep stressing their developers rapidly conclude a project so that they can be the first to market. But then there is differences between a timely launched product and a product that slips at making its presence anywhere because of being late or low in quality. 
Fortunately, there are ways to improve the app development, through making improvement in the app development lifecycles. Here are ways to do this.
Begin development with low fidelity wireframes to save time and money.
If yours is not a complex app, and it does not require too much planning via blueprints, then you can cut the cost by using low-fidelity wireframes to map out and plan the design and architectural view of your app. Contrary to high-fidelity wireframes, low-fidelity wireframes save a lot of time. They are basically rough sketches that can serve as blueprints for the development of an app. Creating them is almost a no cost investment as they can also be drawn on paper.
Adopt the Lean Method, Launch Your MVP and Start Testing 
The development cost and the time required in the development can be hugely cut once you enter the market with an MVP (minimum viable product). A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers, and to provide feedback for future product development. Once MVP starts to get responses from customers, you start to get a variety of data that help you come with a better product in the future. An MVP is created with keeping the core features of a product in mind. The fancy features, which are not the part of the core functionalities, are excluded from it.
Consider Hybrid Mobile Development Solutions
One of the best ways to cut down the cost of a mobile app development is that use hybrid mobile app development solutions such as Adobe Phonegap and Xamarin which use a single database to target multiple operating systems. Unlike the native approach which requires creating a full separate version of an app for a separate platform, the hybrid approach only requires creating platform specific tiny wrappers which can run the web app inside them.
In this scenario the major investment of time and cost only go to the single app and the cost can be hugely decreased.
Outsource Non-Core Development Features
If you have plans to come up with more than merely an MVP and you have enough budget to get it done, nor really running out of time, then you can also outsource the non-core features to third-party developers. By this way both the core app and all its non-core features can be developed side-by-side and in the end, they can be combined into a single app.
Set Up Automated Testing To Ensure App Security
The best way to rapidly conclude a development with excellent security and quality is to apply automatic testing approach during the development. This helps developers simultaneously runs tests that manually may take several hours of time. Also, you would be much more confident that you are building a bug-free code.

Apply these approaches to your mobile app development project and you will significant improvement in the entire life cycle.

Author Bio :- James Stewart is a digital marketing expert in Mobilmindz, a prominent mobile app development company which provides Android and iOS app development services across the global. He loves to write on latest mobile trends, mobile technologies, startups and enterprises.


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