The mobile app development can take boringly long but certain ways can help developers speed the process.
CEOs of startups and mobile app developers working for them know how difficult it is to execute a mobile app development with high speed and the best quality. The infamous longer development lifecycles, as compared to traditional web apps, have already been problematic for both businesses CEO’s and the mobile app developers. Businesses keep stressing their developers rapidly conclude a project so that they can be the first to market. But then there is differences between a timely launched product and a product that slips at making its presence anywhere because of being late or low in quality. 
Fortunately, there are ways to improve the app development, through making improvement in the app development lifecycles. Here are ways to do this.
Begin development with low fidelity wireframes to save time and money.
If yours is not a complex app, and it does not require too much planning via blueprints, then you can cut the cost by using low-fidelity wireframes to map out and plan the design and architectural view of your app. Contrary to high-fidelity wireframes, low-fidelity wireframes save a lot of time. They are basically rough sketches that can serve as blueprints for the development of an app. Creating them is almost a no cost investment as they can also be drawn on paper.
Adopt the Lean Method, Launch Your MVP and Start Testing 
The development cost and the time required in the development can be hugely cut once you enter the market with an MVP (minimum viable product). A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers, and to provide feedback for future product development. Once MVP starts to get responses from customers, you start to get a variety of data that help you come with a better product in the future. An MVP is created with keeping the core features of a product in mind. The fancy features, which are not the part of the core functionalities, are excluded from it.
Consider Hybrid Mobile Development Solutions
One of the best ways to cut down the cost of a mobile app development is that use hybrid mobile app development solutions such as Adobe Phonegap and Xamarin which use a single database to target multiple operating systems. Unlike the native approach which requires creating a full separate version of an app for a separate platform, the hybrid approach only requires creating platform specific tiny wrappers which can run the web app inside them.
In this scenario the major investment of time and cost only go to the single app and the cost can be hugely decreased.
Outsource Non-Core Development Features
If you have plans to come up with more than merely an MVP and you have enough budget to get it done, nor really running out of time, then you can also outsource the non-core features to third-party developers. By this way both the core app and all its non-core features can be developed side-by-side and in the end, they can be combined into a single app.
Set Up Automated Testing To Ensure App Security
The best way to rapidly conclude a development with excellent security and quality is to apply automatic testing approach during the development. This helps developers simultaneously runs tests that manually may take several hours of time. Also, you would be much more confident that you are building a bug-free code.

Apply these approaches to your mobile app development project and you will significant improvement in the entire life cycle.

Author Bio :- James Stewart is a digital marketing expert in Mobilmindz, a prominent mobile app development company which provides Android and iOS app development services across the global. He loves to write on latest mobile trends, mobile technologies, startups and enterprises.

Bookkeeping refers to the organization and storage of accounting and financial documents such as ledgers, journals, financial statements, income tax records, and more. The importance of bookkeeping cannot be overemphasized, as it is a vital part of the overall success of any business — both large or small.

Have you been paying attention to your books? Failing to balance your books can have a direct adverse effect on your business performance. Here we have collated top four reasons why your business needs to get the focus back onto bookkeeping:

1.     Improved financial analysis and management
From the get go, every business should start focusing on Cash flow management. With accurate bookkeeping, you can systematize your follow-ups and invoicing, while making on-time payments to suppliers.

2.    Easy reporting to your investors
With regular and accurate bookkeeping, you will no longer need to worry about reporting to your investors and sharing the financial status of your company. From graphs to charts and the lists of data, you can easily present everything to your investor from your accounting books.

3.    Make informed business plans
With the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss statements, you can check if your company is on the right track financially. Based on your financial status, you can make informed and effective business decisions.

4.    Keep a proper record, as required by the Law
With bookkeeping, you can keep a record of all your financial dealings and keep everything organized right from your big to small invoices. This makes the retrieving process relatively easy, once the time for auditing comes.

To achieve all of the above, you can outsource bookkeeping and accounting to a professional company. This way, you can always keep the financial aspects of your business intact and organized.

India is up for the ride of digitization. People now have trust on paying online for their purchases. They have access to all the online payment mediums, like credit card, internet banking, several wallets, debit cards, etc. The trend has encouraged many retailers to go online via websites and apps.
To sell through the internet, retailers need integrating payment methods to their websites and apps so that they can accept payment for purchases via online methods.
Now if you also want to be the part of this game, you will need a website or app which is integrated to a payment gateway system. You will also need finding the best payment gateway services out there. No doubt your developers will help you suggestthe best option available but when money is involved, you must also have information how deeply you understand they play.

The top most payment gateway in India is CCAvenue.  All financial institutions in the country have authorized CCAvenue for accepting online payments. They accept and validate the internet payments via credit card, debit cards, net working, ATM-cum-debit cards, mobile payment cash cards, etc.
  • Setup Fee: Rs. 0
  • TDR% : Credit Cards – 1.99%, Debit Cards – 1.99%,  Net Banking – 2.99%
  • AMC: Rs 3600 (Waived for 1st Financial Year from the date of Activation)


PayuBiz is another most popular payment gateway available in the market. Offering some pretty good features, PayuBiz currently charges the lowest TDR in the market. Leading online retailers like Snapdeal, Jabong, BookMy Show and Ferns and Petals are already using PayuBiz. Their payment process seems to be more customer-friendly than others. Also, they have been maintaining good customer service levels, too.

  • Setup Fee: Rs. 4900
  • TDR% : Credit Cards – 3.9%, Debit Cards – 3.9%, Net Banking – 3.9%
  • AMC: Rs 2400 (Waived for 1st Financial Year from the date of Activation)


E-Billing Solutions (EBS) is also a widely adopted payment gateway system owned as a subsidiary byIngenico Group, a global leader in seamless payment. Now EBS provides world-class products and solutions to supplement its existing service range.

  • Setup Fee: Rs. 4799
  • TDR% : Credit Cards – 3.75%, Debit Cards – 1.5%, Net Banking – 3.75%
  • AMC : Rs 2400


DirectPay is also getting recognition as a one-stop payment gateway provider for retailers selling goods and services online. They also let retailers accept payment through cash, checks and demand drafts with an ease. Retailers can accept payment through multiple payment modes like credit cards, internet banking, debit cards, mobile payments, etc.

  • Setup Fee: Rs. 5000
  • TDR% : Credit Cards – 6.5%, Debit Cards – 6.5%, Net Banking – 6.5%
  • AMC : Rs 2400

Atom Payments

The Atom payment was founded in 2006. The payment gateway company provides payment services to B2B and B2C companies through Online, IVR, Mobile, and POS

  • Setup Fee: Rs. 35,000
  • TDR% : Credit Cards – 2.99%, Debit Cards – 2.99%, Net Banking – 2.99%
  • AMC : Rs 2400


Paytm is the new enterer in the payment gateway market and the company has also been refining the experiencing. Their user interface is quite user-friendly in comparison to others. Paytm is now powering major online sites like Snapdeal, Homeshop18, ITC Hotels, Dishtv, PVR,, and several others.

  • Setup Fee: Rs. 5000
  • TDR% : Credit Cards – 2.9%, Debit Cards – 2.9%, Net Banking – 2.9%
  • AMC : Rs 2400


PayU India, the flagship company of Naspers group, provides the state-of-the-art solutions for payment gateway integration. As a consumer facing brand PayU allows merchants as well as buyers. Also, the company provides several tools helping them in growing their sales and accepts payment anytime, anywhere

  • Setup Fee: ZERO
  • TDR% : Credit Cards – 2.0% || Debit Cards – 2.0% || Net Banking – 2.0%
  • AMC: NIL

Here are the things you need to pay attention on while choosing a payment gateway system
·         Cost of payment gateway integration includes a one-time set-up fee, commission on every transaction as well as annual maintenance charges.
·         Integrating a payment gateway is similar to open a bank account in bank. It’s important that you choose a company which is proactive in helping their customers and provides the best services possible.
·         Do not choose a payment gateway because it charges less fees but choose because it’s user interface is user-friendly.

Author Bio :- Sofia is a digital marketing expert in Rapidsoft technologies, a prominent mobile app development company which provides iOS and android app development services across the global. She loves to write on latest mobile trends, mobile technologies, startups and enterprises

(Article from LivingBetter)
Aquaculture now provides about half of the production of fish and aquatic invertebrates. On the one hand, the more grown fish, the less the need for fishing. But on the other hand, aquaculture has a number of significant negative effects. Behind the beautiful word aquaculture lies the artificial cultivation of fish in cages. Poultry farm for fish. But as there is a difference in taste between the village chicken and the poultry factory, the taste and usefulness of wild fish and bred in captivity also vary.

Modern society sets new standards for the consumption of food, and producers have to reckon with them. In this connection, there was a need for artificial fish farming.

Aquaculture now provides about half of the production of fish and aquatic invertebrates. On the one hand, the more grown fish, the less the need for fishing ... But on the other hand, aquaculture has a number of significant negative effects, according to a recently published World Wildlife Fund (WWF) environmental guide for buyers and sellers of fish products.

What kinds of fish are most often grown artificially?
Carp (domesticated carp)
Sturgeon fish (Siberian sturgeon, sterlet, Russian sturgeon, sturgeon hybrids)
Some species of salmon, for example, trout
Atlantic salmon (salmon)
Sigovye species of fish - peled, whitefish, nelma
Vegetable fishes (cupids and carnivores).

Also, aquaculture objects are bivalves (mussels, oysters, scallops), crustaceans (shrimps, crayfish), echinoderms (trepangs, sea urchins), aquatic plants.

And also salmon, rainbow trout, sea bass, bream, pangasius (often called bass or river catfish), shrimp are the most common types of artificially grown fish and seafood. It is believed that to date in developed countries, about half of all fish and seafood consumed are grown in fish farms. In supermarkets and restaurants in Europe, most likely, you buy or you will be offered artificially grown salmon. Commercial salmon on sale is much less common, and it will cost much more.

What is artificial fish breeding?

As a rule, the artificial breeding process is as follows:
With the help of breeding, select the parent that is most suitable for artificial breeding.
Fish eggs are placed in small reservoirs. The grown fry is then transferred to larger tanks. There is a feeding of fry, which is under constant supervision.
When the fry reaches a weight of about 150 g, they are moved to large ponds or enclosed areas in the sea (such as shown in the figure above).
Next, the fish receives concentrated food until it reaches the desired weight. During the whole time, the state of the fish is constantly monitored, often using underwater cameras.
After reaching the desired weight, the fish is sent to the processing plants for subsequent evisceration and packaging.

Do all types of artificial fish have similar consumer properties?
It is difficult to find two absolutely identical livestock farms. The same can be said about fish farms. Each manufacturer has its own standards, which make it possible to provide favorable conditions for keeping fish. Each farm uses its methods to reduce the harmful impact on the environment. However, the lack of uniform standards significantly complicates the lives of customers.

Eggs, chicken meat, and pork produced with environmental care have long ceased to be a rarity on store shelves. Products with labels "Red Tractor", "Approved by RSPCA" (RSPCA Approved), "free-range animal meat" and "organic products" are widely represented. And we do not have much choice with regard to artificially grown fish and seafood.

Similarly to the way in Europe before, cattle were grown with the use of large doses of antibiotics, now they are growing fish. Not only antibiotics are used, but also pesticides, which are designed to clean excessively polluted water bodies. Dietitians urge whenever possible to buy "wild" fish if there is full confidence in the supplier of aquaculture fish.

The use of feed additives and veterinary drugs in aquaculture is less common than in livestock or poultry. But, of course, veterinary drugs in aquaculture are also used. Today, more attention is paid to prophylactic drugs (probiotics). When bacterial diseases occur, veterinarians use antibiotics. The use of antibacterial drugs is limited to 30 days before the sale of such fish.

For human health, fish and seafood, artificially grown in cages, especially in the Mekong Delta, can be dangerous, biologists warn. When fish have grown artificially, fodders are used, in which fish growth accelerators, medicines, including antibiotics, and also dyes, which make such a fish appetizing, are often added. All this makes risky the use of such fish, especially if it occurs regularly.

Harmful substances have the property of accumulating, and the frequent use of this fish for food can even lead to different illnesses, in particular, to impaired vision.

But, even "wild" fish can cause harm to health. Recent research shows that even commercial fish meat is often contaminated with chemical toxic substances: industrial enterprises are actively emitting mercury into the environment, polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxin and other contaminants that enter the water, and then through the food chain into the fish.

Polychlorinated biphenyls belong to the group of persistent organic pollutants, monitoring of which in air, water and soil is mandatory in developed industrial countries due to their high danger to the environment and public health.
For the first time, polychlorinated biphenyls were produced in the United States by Monsanto in 1929. These are oily liquids that are not flammable and do not conduct electricity but conduct heat well. Polychlorinated biphenyls are resistant to acids and alkalis.

However, aquaculture technologies have great potential for improvement, including from the viewpoint of reducing its impact on the environment. In some cases, aquaculture can reduce the poaching press on wild populations, develop sports fishing. In addition, black caviar and raised sturgeon produced in fisheries are the only legitimate alternative to caviar and fish caught by poachers.

But on the counter, wild, legally caught fish should take a more privileged position than cage fish.

In America and Western Europe, wild salmon costs much more than cultivated about the same quality. And it's not just about taste differences, but about the fact that people need to come into contact with wildlife, feel part of it, including through food.

 Asthma happens to be one of the most serious ailments that can greatly affect the quality of anyone’s life. The major symptoms of asthma are difficulty in breathing, shortness of breathing and wheezing, Stress is one of the major triggers of asthma.               
Being in nerve-racking situations and being overly stressed are capable of causing chest pain, anxiety and irritability. These can actually make you feel short of breath leading to a full-blown attack of asthma. Hence managing stress and reducing it to a certain extent can help you're to control your level of stress. 
Apart from thorough check-up and following your medication religiously you also need some lifestyle changes to keep this condition under control. So here are a few tips to help you to manage stress that is one of the major triggers of asthma.
·         Go for Muscle Relaxation Exercise – One great way to reduce stress happens to be the relaxation exercises. An asthma attack can also be decreased as a result of that. One such workout is to release the tension of muscles throughout your body. The following type of muscle tension exercises can be performed any time that you feel stressed.

ü  For five seconds you should tighten and contract all the muscles of your body. Then allow the group to slowly ease in relaxation. Working up towards your head, you should then go for the next group of muscles.
ü  Repeat this progression till you finish with your neck and head muscles.

·         Avoid Exposure to Excessive Stress – On the basis of how much stress is there in your life can limit the symptoms and prevent attacks of your stress.
That is why you should avoid any stressful situation as much as possible. If you are unable to handle the situation, make an excuse and leave the room. Use the situation to get rid of any early signs of attack and get a grasp on the situation and reduce the signs of the attack.

·         Repeat Stress-free Mantras – One powerful way to relax is to repeat that the stress-relief mantras. It offers a form of meditation that can help you to focus all your attention away from any kind of stress.  That is why if you are feeling stressed then you should choose a positive line or mantra and keep repeating it to yourself time and again.  This works well and it can really help you to avoid a stress-related asthma attack.

ü  You should realize that if you follow a particular mantra for even five to ten minutes then also it can reduce your asthma attack to a great extent.
ü  Sit upright with your eyes closed. Inhale and exhale easily without controlling your breath. Then try repeating the mantra. For example, mantras like “Live and Let Live.”, “Let Go” really help you to distress. Practice these in a calm environ.
The above are some of the distressing techniques to avoid and control your asthma attack. Apart from purchasing authentic respiratory devices or medical instruments online as prescribed by your doctor, these steps will also help you to reduce your asthma attacks and help you to lead a healthy and stress-free life.

So far you are successfully running a blog. When you listen to others advises that your blog should be designed like this or like that, you always think of blog re-design either temporarily or permanently. You are new to blogging or you want to re-design your existing blog, you have to place these words in your mind when you gotta change the design of your blog.
Here are things you should consider before blog re-design:
The importance of Design:
If you are running a WordPress or Joomla site, you might have seen many premium themes. Those premium theme companies always say you that you blog re-design or designing your blog for the first time is more important than your content. You can observe many famous blogs with free themes with a great content. So whatever the design of your blog never matters. Make sure you got perfect navigation menu and that’s enough. If your site produces quality viral content, the design of your blog is just simple.
More is Great:
Some themes or designs offer two or more columns. So that the number of posts appears on the homepage is more. So that a visitor can easily understand the niche of the blog and the type of posts he is watching. With one single column and placing ads on the right sidebar makes a visitor think of that your site is full of ads and there is a chance of getting away from your blog permanently. So a site with 2 to 3 columns will be more attractive than a single column. A single column is best suitable for Blogger. Your navigation menu should be easily trackable.
The role of Fonts:
Cheesy fonts give an unpleasant feeling. In WordPress, you can install Google Fonts plugin. Rich text format gives the best impression. Your header must be in pleasant text. Don’t make the first impression worst from the reads.
Colors importance:
Some themes give you a combination of colors for the entire site. Colors for headings and post titles should be viewable perfectly. So many colors in a single post mislead a reader that he will get into the confusion that whether he is reading the post or watching some text ads. Even if you place some text-ads, make sure those ads are mingled with the colors of the post title and Headings.
Blog Logo:
Logo plays an important role in a blog branding. Your blog should have a logo and that should be unique from other similar niches.
Graphics and animation:
You might have seen many of the blogs give a pop-up so that you can subscribe to the newsletter, or subscribe for new posts etc.  Some of those pop-ups are richly designed graphics. Those will affect page loading. If page loads slower definitely it affects the patience of your visitors.  Some sites might have rich designs but their page loading is like a rocket. So make sure your on-page tools help you in loading page faster.
Commenting Section:
Take suggestions from the readers. People who read a post might be more intelligent than who actually wrote. Some may give advice; some may review your post. Whatever it is, you should interact with the readers with an effective commenting section.

Author bio
Maya is IT Girl and Full-time writer for and Digital marketing specialist since 4 years, she always likes to write on tech topic. She spent most of her career as Guest Blogger and Digital marking expert.

Third party data make up a great deal of website content. Maps, currency conversions, 140-character tweets and more are tied to APIs.

Most web developers will stick to the most widely popular and used APIs to enhance a website. There are, however, a few hidden treasures to be aware of. These can feed any website or custom mobile application development with great data. Check out these 10 APIs and see how you can make use of them in your web development plans.

REST Countries

This will get you a list of countries and their country codes, capitals, currency, language and so much more.


Choose the free API version all the way up to an Enterprise solution. Get the weather forecast including wind, barometer, precipitation, cloud cover and more for a day or an entire week. This API gets its data from 40,000 weather stations.


This API makes use of Twitter hashtags, giving you a live map of all trending tweets. You can also get historical data, higher zoom levels and an analysis for a fee.

Facebook APIs

These APIs work with Ads, Chat, and Credits. Some are no longer supported, but there is also the backbone of the Facebook platform, which is the Graph API. You can enable your app to read or write data to Facebook.


This API is from the PaaS company and it enables you to program the service APIs to make and receive phone calls and text messages.


This is a free open source platform that is among the best API web testing tools you can get. Besides being open and free, it also allows you to perform automated tests, functional tests, and load tests.

Additional features of this API tool include being able to change the setup to suit the target environment. You can also create web method results by assertions using this API tool.


This is one API tool that offers users a web-based tool to test APIs. You want a tool like this to make sure that your APIs are running correctly and returning valid data. You also want to be sure it debugs itself correctly and Runscope can help. It renders you with testing, monitoring, and traffic debugging functions. There is no provision for any of the traffic alerts.


This is a major Google Chrome plug-in. It is among the best tools for API web development. It is quite a powerful tool for testing web services.


This is also a web API testing tool that the user can implement to do various tests on API. You do not have to worry about dealing with web interfaces. This is nothing more than a library and this library relies completely on jasmine and node.js.  Users can write Java codes freely and organize surrounding environments. Use it to perform tests and afterward, use it to prepare a setup.


Working with a website development company means there will likely be lots of back and forth between clients and developers. You might find your clients’ websites are in need of a communication platform that brings together real-time messaging and message archiving. Meet the Slack API: communication is in one place, and people can create teams to actively communicate with one another.

APIs are designed to meet an intended website or client’s business needs. That’s exactly what Clearbit does. This API offers analysis, fraud prevention, geolocation and background checks.

There are many APIs available to improve user experience and custom web development depending on what functions a website needs. All it takes is a little bit of research to identify the best APIs that will satisfy all requirements.